How to use Audits

How to use Audits

Below is a quick overview video of how to use the Audits section in your Savi Platform.    

To navigate to your audits, simply click on the "Audits" tab found in your navigation bar. Similar to the Events tab, this will show you a list of the event that happened at your store, but the audit tab only includes events or transactions that meet certain criteria like discounts over 40%, voided transactions, refunds, etc.

You can can narrow down your selection by applying filters form the drop-down selectors at the right hand corner of the screen. You can filter the events by type, location, flag, label, and whether or not the event has been "resolved". (Filter examples below)

To view an event, simply click on the row of the event and a detailed view will pop-up (see below). From the detailed view, you will be able to view the receipt of the transaction and compare it to the video that is automatically captured from that time frame. Depending on the the reason that the transaction was flagged, you can review the video to confirm that that discounts, voids, and refunds had a legitimate cause or reason. As you review each event, you should apply a label to help you identify any noteworthy items in the future. Once you are finished reviewing, mark the event as resolved, and it will be hidden from your list. 

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