SAVI's Video Management System was built to be powerful and user-friendly. After the first time of use, we are confident you will make the same conclusion!
For a written walk-through of the system, please scroll below the embedded video. Otherwise, enjoy the video!
From there, simply drag and drop the locations or cameras you wish to view.
View past footage by moving the time slider back, or click on the calendar icon in the bottom left. The calendar will allow you to go back to a specific date and time.
To create and save video clips, zoom, and turn on the volume for an audio camera, hover your mouse over a video feed and a menue will display at the bottom. see red arrows in the image below.

Creating and saving clips
Once you have clicked the scissor icon, as displayed in the above image, a new tab will open with the clip editor. slide the ends of the cliop selector to meet the desired timeframe. Once the clip has been adjusted to your liking, type in the name and click save.
Once saved, return to the previous tab and find the "saved clips" section in the bottom right.
The saved clips section will have a list of all saved clips, from there you can view and download all clips
To create a favorites view, click create new in the top left.
Then drag the camera of your choosing into the black space on the right. You can add as many cameras as you would like. They can also be cameras from different locations. A great use to view all your register cameras from multiple locations all in one view!